Qe es yoʔnunm łu qe nuwewlštn, qʷaqʷemncutš!

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Nk̓ʷusm Adult Language Program

The Adult Language Program assists fluent speakers, teachers and staff members with enhancing the language in all aspects of Nk̓ʷusm.

  • The Adult language program assists staff in improving their Séliš & Qlispé language skills, helping them with their individual language learning plans and supporting them on their path of learning the language. Each staff member gets time each day to work on their own language learning.

  • They are also helping create, edit and maintain the Séliš & Ql̓ispé Fluency Transfer System. This system involves many different things that are used in helping someone continue their language learning in a strategic, efficient and effective way.

  • The program is also helping implement Séliš & Qlispé Language learning guidelines. And helping the school develop ideas, strategies and plans for increasing language throughout the whole school.

For more information on the Nk̓ʷusm Adult Language program and the fluency transfer system we use, please contact Chaney Bell at the school.


* Séliš-Qlispé Language Learning web based App is an exciting way to learn Language, Culture, and History. clic here to open…


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